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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

Time seemed to freeze
Brahmata Michael Ottawa, Canada
I just knew from the moment I saw him
Ashrita Furman New York, United States
Failures are the pillars of success
Anugata Bach New York, United States
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Garga Chamberlain Bristol, United Kingdom
Regaining My Inner Joy
Sujata Muto Kyoto, Japan
Just go with it and jump!
Gabriele Settimi San Diego, United States
My Room
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
A Flame in my Heart
Adesh Widmer Zurich, Switzerland
President Gorbachev: a special soul brought down for a special reason
Mridanga Spencer Ipswich, United Kingdom
Connecting the dots
Lunthita Duthely Hialeah, United States
In the Right Place, At the Right Time
Eshana Gadjanski Novi Sad, Serbia
The Impact of a Yogi on My Life
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The relationship between Guru and disciple
Baridhi Yonchev Sofia, Bulgaria
Getting through difficult times in your meditation
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
An airport meditation experience
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
A feeling that something more exists
Florbela Caniceiro Coimbra, Portugal
Beginnings of a spiritual journey
Mahatapa Palit New York, United States
My well-scheduled day
Jayasalini Abramovskikh Moscow, Russia