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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

A demonstration of the Master’s occult powers
Arpan De Angelo New York, United States
An intense, concentrated Fire
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
'I could find out myself, but it was so much easier asking your soul'
Mridanga Spencer Ipswich, United Kingdom
My 5 a.m. strategic meditations
Sanchita Fleming Ottawa, Canada
Time seemed to freeze
Brahmata Michael Ottawa, Canada
Spiritual moments with my grandmother
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
So much longing, for something
Pushpa rani Piner Ottawa, Canada
I was just so transported by the atmosphere
Pulak Viscardi New York, United States
Meeting Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Janaka Spence Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Muhammad Ali: I was expecting a monster, but I found a lamb
Sevananda Padilla San Juan, Puerto Rico
Running for Peace
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
Sri Chinmoy's opening meditation at the Parliament of World Religions
Pradhan Balter Chicago, United StatesSuggested videos
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Running a Six-Day Race
Ratuja Zub Minsk, Belarus
How meditation helped me swim the English Channel
Abhejali Bernardova Zlín, Czech Republic
Getting through difficult times in your meditation
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
What is it like on the Peace Run?
Nikolaus Drekonja San Diego, United States
Self-transcendence in meditation
Kailash Beyer Zurich, Switzerland
The value of meditation in a stressful job
Garga Chamberlain Bristol, United Kingdom